Aiyana, Chandler and Lucas in our live nativity. I have made a costume for each out of a cotton poly blend. I was really happy with the way that these turned out.
This is what the cradle looks like all finished and painted. We made a crib sheet, and a bumper pad. Then I painted the cradle a different color. This is the baby's first outfit. I made the receiving blanket, but the rest is store bought.
This is the quilt that I made for my baby. Hope he likes it.
I got the above cradle from Kara in Washington at my baby shower. Melissa and I made a blanket and a bumper pad for it. I will also paint the cradle.
We took my old carseat from my two other babies and recovered it for a new look. I fell in love with this fabric and had to use it somewhere. So here is what is looked like.
This is my first knitting project. Probably my last too. I don't think I have the patience for it. I originally made this for my baby, but decided to give it to Esther for her baby girl. All in all I was very happy with how it turned out.
I am a stay at home Mom of six kids and enjoy sewing anytime I get the chance. My husband is a hard working Father and enables me to do my work at home. To raise our crazy kids.