Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ladybugs & Bumble Bees

We made a cute nightgown for my daughter, Kaitlin.

We used Butterick pattern B4647 and some fabric I had in my stash since high school! I was very excited to finally use this fabric. I had to cut a size 4 because that was the smallest size I had. Kaitlin usually wears a size 2 or 3, so I knew it was going to be big. I took in the center back seam to compensate but I didn't take in the sides so it's still pretty wide. I love the contrast of the red but it looks much better in the close up when you can see the detail in the stripes of the green fabric.

I must say this she does look pretty darn cute in it! Although I could be a bit partial.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Last October Aiyana wanted to be Giselle from Enchanted. She insisted on the "blue dress." Well I couldn't find an exact fabric match, but I think this one works in a pinch. Two days before Halloween Aiyana came home crying and insisted that she had to be Diana Goddess of the Hunt (The boys kept making fun of her and saying she was so tiny...well she she decided to be a stronger less dependant female.). So I stopped my work on the Giselle costume and made Diana instead. Now nine months later I have finished the costume. Of course now it doesn't fit Aiyana (due to the growth hormone she has been taking, she is growing like crazy), so I can't get a picture of her in it. However, my niece will be able to wear it and I am sure I can get her to pose in it as well. Sorry I haven't been posting as much as last year, but having five kids is a ton of work! (Especially since my oldest is only seven!) Anyway I also made a couple of hair bows. See I am on the ball.....right?????