Chandler started kindergarten! Yeah for him! Every day his class learns a different color and are encouraged to wear that color. They even have snacks that are the color of the day. Pretty cool right? Well not so cool for a boy when it comes to colors like pink and purple. So I designed and embroidered these patches. I had some white tee shirts of his that I bought to go underneath his dress shirts. So I grabbed one of those added a piece of rectangular interfacing in the back, sewed some buttons on the front, then dug into my private stash of scraps, embroidered the name of the color and....... yeee haw! We have a interchangeable color patch. Yeah I have to wash the shirt part every day, but did I mention the fact that I have five kids? So this really isn't a problem. I am so happy with this design and highly recommend it. Very very easy to do and very quick. Plus the teacher liked the idea and Chandler LOVES it. Win win if you ask me.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
PINK spells Pink
Chandler started kindergarten! Yeah for him! Every day his class learns a different color and are encouraged to wear that color. They even have snacks that are the color of the day. Pretty cool right? Well not so cool for a boy when it comes to colors like pink and purple. So I designed and embroidered these patches. I had some white tee shirts of his that I bought to go underneath his dress shirts. So I grabbed one of those added a piece of rectangular interfacing in the back, sewed some buttons on the front, then dug into my private stash of scraps, embroidered the name of the color and....... yeee haw! We have a interchangeable color patch. Yeah I have to wash the shirt part every day, but did I mention the fact that I have five kids? So this really isn't a problem. I am so happy with this design and highly recommend it. Very very easy to do and very quick. Plus the teacher liked the idea and Chandler LOVES it. Win win if you ask me.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
BLACK spells Black
Chandler started kindergarten! Yeah for him! Every day his class learns a different color and are encouraged to wear that color. They even have snacks that are the color of the day. Pretty cool right? Well not so cool for a boy when it comes to colors like pink and purple. So I designed and embroidered these patches. I had some white tee shirts of his that I bought to go underneath his dress shirts. So I grabbed one of those added a piece of rectangular interfacing in the back, sewed some buttons on the front, then dug into my private stash of scraps, embroidered the name of the color and....... yeee haw! We have a interchangeable color patch. Yeah I have to wash the shirt part every day, but did I mention the fact that I have five kids? So this really isn't a problem. I am so happy with this design and highly recommend it. Very very easy to do and very quick. Plus the teacher liked the idea and Chandler LOVES it. Win win if you ask me.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
BROWN spells Brown
Chandler started kindergarten! Yeah for him! Every day his class learns a different color and are encouraged to wear that color. They even have snacks that are the color of the day. Pretty cool right? Well not so cool for a boy when it comes to colors like pink and purple. So I designed and embroidered these patches. I had some white tee shirts of his that I bought to go underneath his dress shirts. So I grabbed one of those added a piece of rectangular interfacing in the back, sewed some buttons on the front, then dug into my private stash of scraps, embroidered the name of the color and....... yeee haw! We have a interchangeable color patch. Yeah I have to wash the shirt part every day, but did I mention the fact that I have five kids? So this really isn't a problem. I am so happy with this design and highly recommend it. Very very easy to do and very quick. Plus the teacher liked the idea and Chandler LOVES it. Win win if you ask me.
Monday, August 24, 2009
PURPLE spells Purple
Chandler started kindergarten! Yeah for him! Every day his class learns a different color and are encouraged to wear that color. They even have snacks that are the color of the day. Pretty cool right? Well not so cool for a boy when it comes to colors like pink and purple. So I designed and embroidered these patches. I had some white tee shirts of his that I bought to go underneath his dress shirts. So I grabbed one of those added a piece of rectangular interfacing in the back, sewed some buttons on the front, then dug into my private stash of scraps, embroidered the name of the color and....... yeee haw! We have a interchangeable color patch. Yeah I have to wash the shirt part every day, but did I mention the fact that I have five kids? So this really isn't a problem. I am so happy with this design and highly recommend it. Very very easy to do and very quick. Plus the teacher liked the idea and Chandler LOVES it. Win win if you ask me.
Friday, August 21, 2009
ORANGE spells Orange
Chandler started kindergarten! Yeah for him! Every day his class learns a different color and are encouraged to wear that color. They even have snacks that are the color of the day. Pretty cool right? Well not so cool for a boy when it comes to colors like pink and purple. So I designed and embroidered these patches. I had some white tee shirts of his that I bought to go underneath his dress shirts. So I grabbed one of those added a piece of rectangular interfacing in the back, sewed some buttons on the front, then dug into my private stash of scraps, embroidered the name of the color and....... yeee haw! We have a interchangeable color patch. Yeah I have to wash the shirt part every day, but did I mention the fact that I have five kids? So this really isn't a problem. I am so happy with this design and highly recommend it. Very very easy to do and very quick. Plus the teacher liked the idea and Chandler LOVES it. Win win if you ask me.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
GREEN spells green
Chandler started kindergarten! Yeah for him! Every day his class learns a different color and are encouraged to wear that color. They even have snacks that are the color of the day. Pretty cool right? Well not so cool for a boy when it comes to colors like pink and purple. So I designed and embroidered these patches. I had some white tee shirts of his that I bought to go underneath his dress shirts. So I grabbed one of those added a piece of rectangular interfacing in the back, sewed some buttons on the front, then dug into my private stash of scraps, embroidered the name of the color and....... yeee haw! We have a interchangeable color patch. Yeah I have to wash the shirt part every day, but did I mention the fact that I have five kids? So this really isn't a problem. I am so happy with this design and highly recommend it. Very very easy to do and very quick. Plus the teacher liked the idea and Chandler LOVES it. Win win if you ask me.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
BLUE spells blue
Chandler started kindergarten! Yeah for him! Every day his class learns a different color and are encouraged to wear that color. They even have snacks that are the color of the day. Pretty cool right? Well not so cool for a boy when it comes to colors like pink and purple. So I designed and embroidered these patches. I had some white tee shirts of his that I bought to go underneath his dress shirts. So I grabbed one of those added a piece of rectangular interfacing in the back, sewed some buttons on the front, then dug into my private stash of scraps, embroidered the name of the color and....... yeee haw! We have a interchangeable color patch. Yeah I have to wash the shirt part every day, but did I mention the fact that I have five kids? So this really isn't a problem. I am so happy with this design and highly recommend it. Very very easy to do and very quick. Plus the teacher liked the idea and Chandler LOVES it. Win win if you ask me.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
YELLOW spells yellow
Chandler started kindergarten! Yeah for him! Every day his class learns a different color and are encouraged to wear that color. They even have snacks that are the color of the day. Pretty cool right? Well not so cool for a boy when it comes to colors like pink and purple. So I designed and embroidered these patches. I had some white tee shirts of his that I bought to go underneath his dress shirts. So I grabbed one of those added a piece of rectangular interfacing in the back, sewed some buttons on the front, then dug into my private stash of scraps, embroidered the name of the color and....... yeee haw! We have a interchangeable color patch. Yeah I have to wash the shirt part every day, but did I mention the fact that I have five kids? So this really isn't a problem. I am so happy with this design and highly recommend it. Very very easy to do and very quick. Plus the teacher liked the idea and Chandler LOVES it. Win win if you ask me.
In Progress Teasers
Embroidery sketch for Aiyana's room (closet panels)
This is the first idea we had to do the panels in. We were not very happy with it so we changed it to...
This. It looks much more like my sketch that I made and posted a few weeks ago. I really like the change we made to it. On a side note Aiyana's room is taking a long time to complete because of the intensive embroidery work involved. It all has to get done to do each project, so it is going very slowly but very well.

This is a picture that Melissa took.

This is a picture that Melissa took.
This is the stripe layout I am thinking for the valance in my living room and kitchen. This will be another scrap project. Guess we will see if I have enough fabric to actually complete it. Home decor is getting boring, can't wait to get back to making clothes again. But this is what I have fabric for so..... this is what I make. Come back to see how the projects turn out.
Lucas' Valance
The valance for Lucas' room. Yeah I know the animal net is in the way, but this is the only place I can put it, so it will have to stay and distrub the lines of my pretty project. I mean... my manly tough project. I love the way the stripes turned out in this one. I can't wait to get everything done and pictured. Really cute.... and tough, and manly, and all things boyish! *smile*
Lucas Bed Skirt
Lucas' Closet Panel
I hate doors on closets. Call me insane, crazy or something like that if you must, but I really hate them. It gives the kids one more thing to slam their fingers in. Oh and one more excuse to keep their closet messy. So I decided on fabric closet panels. This is the one in Lucas and Micah's room. I had bought some bedspreads a while ago from Target for the boys, so I used those colors to design the room. Once again, when it is all done I will take a picture of the room. Did I mention I like stripes?

Melissa's sister Willow, turned 24 last week. She is very passionate about baking so we decided to make her an apron. A fun frilly 1950's style apron. Simplicity pattern 2592 was perfect for the job especially since it's a recreation of one of the old patterns resurrected the archives. We used a fabric from feathery florals (by Debbie Hobbs for Henry Glass & Co) a fun colorful floral on black print fabric. Originally Melissa was going to use pink as the accent color but after taking the fabric home and looking over it again, we decided to switch to yellow. After much sewing way past o'dark thirty (like usual) we got this perfect apron perfectly made for Willow!
Willow models the apron. Wonder if I can get some cake or cookies from her for my efforts??? hummmm always a thought.
Monday, August 17, 2009
RED Spells red
Chandler started kindergarten! Yeah for him! Every day his class learns a different color and are encouraged to wear that color. They even have snacks that are the color of the day. Pretty cool right? Well not so cool for a boy when it comes to colors like pink and purple. So I designed and embroidered these patches. I had some white tee shirts of his that I bought to go underneath his dress shirts. So I grabbed one of those added a piece of rectangular interfacing in the back, sewed some buttons on the front, then dug into my private stash of scraps, embroidered the name of the color and....... yeee haw! We have a interchangeable color patch. Yeah I have to wash the shirt part every day, but did I mention the fact that I have five kids? So this really isn't a problem. I am so happy with this design and highly recommend it. Very very easy to do and very quick. Plus the teacher liked the idea and Chandler LOVES it. Win win if you ask me.
Chandler's Valance
This is the valance for Landon and Chandler's room. Yeah I know cute right? It matches the inside of Landon's bumper and I have to say I am digging stripes right now. It makes it easier to make a project a scrap project when you don't have to have a ton of big pieces. I am almost done with this room then I will post room pictures. I just have to do the closet panels and a couple of manly decorative pillows. Maybe figures something out for the strips of white any ideas from my lurkers out there? Any???
Chandler's Bed Skirt
Bed Spread for Chandler
Okay so when I was pregnant with Landon I made this really cute crib set (you can see a little of it to the left) and since Landon and Chandler share a room I decided to use some fabric from the nursery fabrics and make some coordinating stuff for Chandler. Here is his bedspread. I am pretty happy with it, but need to do something fun with the white strips. Any ideas? I am thinking about Citius, Altius, Fortius. You know olympic motto? Chandler is all about higher, faster and stronger. Okay so those are mixed a little bit! Someday I will get it straight.
Camera Strap

If you have a camera that looks something like this....

Then I can make you a camera strap cover that looks something like this. This strap cover was made by Melissa and I for her sister Laurel (I know weird the gift matches the name on the strap! *smile*). Anyway this is a very easy, but fun pattern to put together and includes two pockets to hold different lenses and stuff like that. Pretty cool if you ask me. I should probably make one for Toby. *sigh* I think the projects are starting to line up again. Guess I will blame that on Melissa too! *smile*
For Kaity

Melissa has had this fabric around her house for sometime, so we went to joann's bought some red piping, and some strap adjusters and material and whipped up this baby. Melissa was inspired by her son starting kindergarten, and decided to make Kaity a backpack to wear. We used the fantastic toddler backpack pattern by Made by Rae. All in all I love this backpack and plan to make another one for Lucas. He isn't in school yet but we do lots of work at home and he likes to wear Chandler's backpack around the house. Sooooo.... Melissa strikes again. *smile*
Monday, August 3, 2009

This Tinkerbell costume is a custom pattern. Not a store bought pattern. Melissa and I made it for Aiyana for her birthday party, and I never got a good picture of it. So we took her out and got a few pictures of what it looks like. Here is the front view.
Business Cards

I have cards now! People keep asking me if I can make them this or make them that. When I give them my information I have had to scribble things on a scrap of paper. Now I don't. If they want to see what I make, or get a hold of me, I just whip this gorgeous baby that my hubby designed, and viola I don't have to find paper.

The backside of my card. I know....cute huh?
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Aiyana's Room
So I have hinted at doing a bedroom set for Aiyana. I have finished the bedspread for her and am slowly moving on to the rest of the room. Above is my idea of a sketch. Remember I sew the fabric, I never said anything about being able to sketch well. So on this page you have the closes panels. Aiyana doesn't have closet doors because I am not crazy about doors on closets. My own quirk. I will use stripes of peach and yellow then a block of eyelet fabric with ribbon that I will weave through. Then I will do the casing (the thing the tension rod will go though) in white fabric with a green piping underneath. I know cute huh? The best part is my friend Melissa is going to embroider some really cool panel blocks. Those are the white areas bordered with green piping. She is going to do this really cute @ type flower with vines and leaves. After the closet panels we have the pillows that Melissa again will embroider on. The first is a dream pillow which will have both applique work and embroidery. Then I will "frame" it with a small strip of peach and a larger one of yellow. Add a little green piping and we are good. The pillow below that will be white cotton (bamboo if I can find/afford it) with Aiyana's name on it and flowers. Below that is another square pillow, but that one will have a sleeping fairy on it instead of the word dream. My fairy looks very strange, but I already said I couldn't draw...right? At the very bottom is an idea for the top sheet which will be (hopefully) white bamboo (great for people with allergies) with the words Dream, Imagine, Believe, Wish, Hope, Love in some order or another on the opening with green piping just below it.
This is my second sketch. The one furthest to the left is my window coverings. At the top is the valance which is the same as the closet panels. The curtains will be peach fabric, and the tie back will be embroidered like the panels in the closet. (so they will be detachable and in use only when the curtains are open.) Then you have the sign that will go on her door. It will be a very pretty appliqued and embroidered fairy with flowers and vines and stuff with "Aiyana's Room" to the bottom left of the fairy. I think I will hang it with green ribbon. However this is a sketch so things are subject to change. Below that is the pillow sham which will be out of the ribboned eyelet with a peach ruffle. Then the pillow that she will sleep on. This will be (hopefully) white bamboo (great for people with allergies) with the words Dream, Imagine, Believe, Wish, Hope, Love in some order or another on the opening with green piping just below it.
These are my fabrics. You should know that I have had these fabrics FOREVER and am now just getting around to doing something with them. This is a close up of the white eyelet (I don't know if it is actually eyelet, but that is what I am calling it so....) with the peach ribbon threaded through.
Close up of the eyelet with the yellow threaded through.
This is the same shot just panned out a bit.
Same thing just a little darker.

The yellow fabric. I will be using both a yellow cotton (not pictured) and this poly shantung yellow fabric. I know I seem to be obsessed with this kind of fabric.

The yellow fabric. I will be using both a yellow cotton (not pictured) and this poly shantung yellow fabric. I know I seem to be obsessed with this kind of fabric.
This is the peach cotton fabric. I also have some peach "casa collection" fabric that will be used, but is not pictured. I guess I should have taken pictures of all the fabrics. Oh well there is always tomorrow. Anyway that explains the projects. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
Home Decor,
Scrap projects,
Peach Pjs

These are a set of pjs that I helped Melissa create. She wanted to do something with the fabric of a skirt that she had made because it didn't fit properly. So she bought some peach fabric to go with the the polkas (the old skirt fabric), and some white trim, and this is what we made. Melissa said that she was very happy with them. The back has really cute white flower buttons down the back.

Her daughter Kaity in the pjs. If you want a more detailed description of all that went into these pjs visit her site made by melissa. Peach seems to be one of my favorite colors to work with, so I was really excited that I got to help Melissa with these. I have a bedding set that I am working on right now for Aiyana, so you will see just how much I like peach. Well Aiyana kinda picked the colors and they are yellow, white, peach, and a hint of green. We will see how it all turns out.
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