You'll have to excuse me while I get a little sentimental before I post pictures of the beautiful birthday dress we made my Miss Isabella for her first birthday. Here is my beautiful baby shortly after she was born wearing one of the sleepers we made her.
Here she is celebrating her 1st birthday in her beautiful birthday dress we made her.

It's amazing how much they grow in a year! Okay, I'm done with the mushy look how much she has grown portion of this post now onto the dress! The pictures aren't the best for seeing how the dress looked on her and I'm trying to figure out how to do a little photo shoot with her to fix that problem. Due to the fact that I'm not feeling too hot today, I'm just going to copy and paste the post about the dress itself from my other blog.
As usual I had an idea in mind for what I wanted this dress to be and then it was just a matter of finding the right materials in real life. I wanted to do a blue dress for her to match the mermaid under the sea theme that I'm doing for her party. The color ended up what you would probably call aqua. The tulle in the skirt is actually a green color but it matches perfectly.

I don't know where I would be without my friend and co-conspirator, Stephanie. She helped me pick out just the right fabrics and with all of the sewing. We used her serger to do a 3 stitch overlock hem on the shear fabrics. I don't normally like this kind of hem but in this instance it was exactly what I wanted. The back of the dress gave us some trouble. The pattern we used called for a zipper but I didn't want a zipper extending into the skirt so we switched it to buttons. When we got to doing the buttonholes neither Stephanie or I really liked the way it was looking. We decided to have one button at the top and leave the rest open like a keyhole back.

The skirt is 3 layers of fabric. The top layer is an aqua organza with little silver "beads" sprinkled all over it. The middle layer is two layers of green tulle. The bottom layer is aqua organza.

The skirt is very sheer and definitely has to have the diaper cover underneath it. It is also very short but I wanted it short so she could call in it. Stephanie calls it a crawling skirt.
It turned out so beautiful! I'm so happy with how she looked in it too!